Steps to create a servlet and start it in Tomcat:

Note: instructions with jdk1.8.0_131, instructions with jdk1.7.0_80 in Tomcat_jdk1_7

Start Tomcat

  1. Copy the folder Java8 to a local folder

  2. Go to the Java8 folder: >cd path/Java8

  3. Execute the sp.bat file: >sp

  4. Start the Tomcat server with the command:
  5. Start the browser and write the address:

  6. Close the Tomcat server with the command:

Create a Web page on the server

  1. Steps 1 to 3 of Start Tomcat (done)

  2. Create a folder called ‘firstWeb’ in the webapps folder of the Tomcat.

  3. Create the index.html file in the webapps\firstWeb folder with some html content

  4. Start the Tomcat server as in step 4 of Start Tomcat:

  5. Start the browser and write the address:

Create a Servlet

  1. Steps 1 to 3 of Start Tomcat (done)

  2. Create the folder structure of  ”Servlet1” application in the Tomcat installation
    • Create folder “Servlet1” in webapps folder of Tomcat
    • Create folder WEB-INF in webapps\Servlet1\ folder
    • Create folder classes in webapps\Servlet1\WEB-INF folder
    └── webapps
        └── Servlet1
            └── WEB-INF
                └── web.xml
                └── classes
  3. Create the  HelloWorld.java file in the webapps\Servlet1\WEB-INF\classes folder. HelloWorld.java

    import java.io.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet{
        public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
          throws ServletException, IOException {
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
            out.println("Hello World");
  4. Compile with the command javac:
    javac HelloWorld.java
  5. Create the web.xml file in P:\apache-tomcat-8.5.24\webapps\Servlet1\WEB-INF folder:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  6. Start the Tomcat server as in step 4 of Start Tomcat:

  7. Start the browser and write the address:

Run from pendrive

With variables for Java, Derby, Squirrel and Apache Tomca

To execute the Java programs from a pendrive follow the next steps:

  1. Copy the Java8 folder to your pendrive (or any drive)
  2. Insert the pendrive into your computer.
  3. See the letter asigned to your pendrive. Example: F
  4. Open a Command Prompt Window (type CMD after clicking in the Start button of Windows)
  5. Change to the drive whre the file is. Example: >F:
  6. Change to the Java8 folder: >cd Java8
  7. Type the command sp: >sp